enviBUILD 2015

International Conference
October 15 - 16, 2015
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Academic institutions working in the area of computer-aided building performance modelling and simulation
Institution Place Contact person(s) E-mail address
KKPS SvF STU Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava Ing. Peter Buday, PhD peter.buday(et)stuba.sk
AdMaS Centre, FAST VUT Brno Purkyňova 651/139, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Ing. Miroslav Čekon, PhD
Ing. Richard Slávik
mcekon(et)gmail.com, slavik.r(et)fce.vutbr.cz
KKPS SvF TU Košice Vysokoškolská 4, 042 00 Košice Prof. Ing. Dušan Katunský, PhD
Doc. Ing. Martin Lopušniak, PhD
dusan.katunsky(et)tuke.sk, martin.lopusniak(et)tuke.sk
KDS DF TU Zvolen Ul. T. G. Masaryka 2117/24, 960 53 Zvolen Prof. Ing. Jozef Štefko, PhD stefko(et)tuzvo.sk
KPSU SvF TU Žilina Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina Prof. Ing. Pavol Ďurica, CSc.
Ing. Radoslav Ponechal, PhD
pavol.durica(et)fstav.uniza.sk, radoslav.ponechal(et)gmail.com

Private institutions working in the area of computer-aided building performance modelling and simulation
Institution Place Contact person(s) E-mail address
Simulácie budov, s.r.o. Hanulova 9, 841 01 Bratislava Ing. Milan Janák, PhD janak(et)simulaciebudov.sk
3S-Projekt, s.r.o. Boldog 145, 925 26 Boldog Ing. Zsolt Straňák, PhD stranak(et)3sprojekt.sk